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Current JoyPoll results for 1304 entries:

What Nobel prize would you award to Steve Jobs?
Nobel Prize for Arrogance, ... you are so sure about that are you? 142 10%
Nobel Prize for Genius, ... Jeff Raskin got the one for Mac Genius. 58 4%
Nobel Prize for Marketing Genius, ... oxymoron alert! 307 23%
Nobel Prize for Ability to Make me forgive Apple Time and Time Again, ... you're on the rebound, but with the same lover. 221 16%
Nobel Prize for Wardrobe, ... sameness must be in. 51 3%
OK, OK, all of the above, ... here's to the Nobel ones... 269 20%
Un-Nobel Prize for constantly infuriating me, ... I think it's infatuation. 106 8%
I hereby award Steve Jobs an Al Gore statuette. 150 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous rounding.
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After Y2K!

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