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February 7th

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The JoyPoll was...
So, what is the moral of this comic?
  • Beware of coworkers stealing your ideas.
  • Impress the boss, not the girl.
  • Real Geniuses keep it simple, stupid.
  • To make money, you have to spend money.
  • Bosses take you more seriously if you drink coffee.
  • Green dresses are bad luck at the office.
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Forum tidbits!
mephisto and Annie got married!, ... Insomnia has a plan for tomorrow, ... LifetimeTrekker hopes to Prevent Evolution's End, ... Bregalad suggests a New Canadian national holiday in February, ...Party L Sub 4 writes the Ode to a Perfect Geek, ... Stereo wants some advice on Pizza Toppings, ... and littlefish thinks quake3 better than sex!

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