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Wonder what Woz thinks about the new iMac? Check out the JoyNews, just below the JoyPoll.

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The JoyPoll was...
What would you call the new iMac?
  • An abomination.
  • The Pleasure Dome.
  • The Sorcerer's Appendage.
  • Friend, colleague, lover.
  • The new San Francisco Treat!
  • Lust-o-Lamp.
  • The Power P C-Cup.
View the Results

We've been reading some of the comments on the net about the new iMac, and although there's been quite a bit of drooling, there are some people who still don't quite get it. We were talking with our pal Woz about the new iMac, and thought we'd share his comments with you all, since they sum up the new design quite nicely...

"I think that the new iMac is better than the older one (size, footprint) and better than the Cube (price, 1 less cable). I see it as obviously positioned for newcomers, that want computers for looks and don't want to be intimidated by them. I see that as the same characteristics as the Cube market. I do see the new iMac as good for schools. So Apple is still healthy with a broad product line."

-Steve Wozniak

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Forum tidbits!
Nitrozac asks New iMac, what do you think? all opinions welcome,... Snaggy poignantly asks us, What is your view of the world? ... AnglHuntr wants to know if anyone else wants to order a Poster Sized Slashdot Gladiators, ... ActionFigure asks what Of Apple, Dell, and stock market kookiness, and so do we! ... Roceal found a funny link from the Brunching Shuttlecocks! ... and finally, tell us and baker_nat, what's The most stupid thing you've ever done?

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