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Current JoyPoll results for 1071 entries:

So what kind of therapist is he?
Un-cognitive therapist, ... what were they thinking when they hired him? 30 2%
Bad behavior therapist, ... he specializes in stressful therapy. 27 2%
A psycho-psychologist, ... he's a graduate of Norman Bates College. 272 25%
Common sense councellor, ... he's likely to knock some sense into you. 153 14%
Just-like-my-dad therapist, ... spare the rod, spoil the child? 223 20%
Sadomachistic, anti-social worker, ... is he bonded? 237 22%
My itty bitty tears couldn't decide how to vote. 129 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and itty bitty rounding.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
or by shopping at our webstore.


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