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Current JoyPoll results for 297 entries:

How long do your New Years' resolutions last?

A few days or so, ... my willpower is on a 30 minute timer. 10 3%
A few weeks or so, ... that's pretty good, unless it was about cancelling Netflix. 9 3%
A few months or so, ... the way time moves so quickly now, that was more of an achievement a decade ago. 4 1%
I'm pretty good at this, mine usually last!, ... my resolution is to not be jealous of your resolve. 12 4%
I'm really good at this, I don't make any!, ... I guess you kept them all last year so you don't have to resolve anymore! 240 80%
I'm resolving the results. 21 7%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the tern of the decade.

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