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Current JoyPoll results for 363 entries:

What's the moral of this comic?

People sure do love their Facebook, ... only because their family and friends are also hostages. 38 10%
Over and over again, Facebook has proved itself to be despicable, ... at least they're consistant! 135 37%
Nobody's perfect, sometimes people just like things that are bad for them, ... there's no way ice cream and cake is bad. 19 5%
People can be really stupid sometimes, ... don't be too hard them, we're all just millions of monkeys on keyboards. 68 18%
You can make a ton of money off kids!, ... maybe Zuck is hiring? 65 17%
I'm viewing the JoyPoll's admirable results. 37 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and facepalms.

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