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Current JoyPoll results for 442 entries:

Do you ever use email tracking, which lets you know when your email is opened by its recipient?

No, I've never heard of it, ... sometimes it's better to be naive. 77 17%
I do for my business, but never for personal emails, ... it's nothing personal, it's business! 39 8%
I use it for personal emails and it's super handy, ... I'm sure you Send Read Receipts on your texts too! 3 0%
No. Email tracking, especially on friends, is evil, ... it's just not polite! 189 42%
I just assume every second of the day I'm tracked by something, so why not join in?, ... I bet you think blasters are civilized too? 47 10%
I'm viewing the results, as monitored by JoyPoll vote tracking! 86 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and seen but not read.

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