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Current JoyPoll results for 891 entries:

What's your wish this holiday season?

That the Patent Wars would end, ... or are you a patent war profiteer? 113 12%
That the Flame Wars would end, ... fighting feeds trolls. They only die if you ignore them! 42 4%
That we are victorious in the war against SOPA, ... to replace copyright, I invented copynice, but I'm going to patent it. 451 50%
That Apple gives a dividend, ... please Tim please, but give me the strengh to buy Apple stock first. 43 4%
All I want for Christmas is for my computer to run better, ... you really are hoping for a miracle! 124 13%
I wished to View the Results... and it came true! 118 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and ketchup gas.
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