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Current JoyPoll results for 1092 entries:

Now that you know Siri is an evil plan to kill all humans, will you still use it?

Absolutely, the planet will be better off without us, ... but who would change the cat litter? 161 14%
Absolutely, I wouldn't want to miss an extinction event!, ... everybody misses that one! 161 14%
I'm waiting for the Android version of Siri, ... Siri, get me an Ice Cream Sandwich. 109 9%
Probably not, I have a hard enough time talking to my rotary phone, ... you are probably holding it wrong. 76 6%
Siri isn't working that well for me, I think it's trying to make me commit suicide in frustration, ... kill all humans, one small extinction event at a time. 30 2%
Is there any way I can bypass everything except Steve Wozniak's Dial-a-Joke?, ... are you hoping to find a wife like Steve did? 371 33%
I'm asking Siri about the results. 184 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I'm sorry Dave.
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