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Current JoyPoll results for 1114 entries:

What was the next text that Eric sent to Steve?

You suk, ... perhaps, but at least he Suks Different. 55 4%
WHAAAAH!, ... hush little baby don't text a word. 90 8%
Oh, btw, thanks for letting me into your Board of Directors, it really helped us get Android off to a good start, ... 248 22%
ASL?, ... do people even use that now, or does your phone just leak that private info? 85 7%
That's fine by me Steve, I get to sell all the Android folks the iPhone 5 clone six months from now, ... they consider it being fashionably late! 365 32%
ARRRRG! Apple steals from Android!, ... they both stole it all from that guy who painted on cave walls. 63 5%
I'm unable to vote due to an injunction. 208 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the missing bloop sound.
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