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Current JoyPoll results for 959 entries:

What stage of RIM death are you in?

Denial, ... didn't you get the BBM? 37 3%
Anger, ... insert "Tech companies dying is a part of Tech life" in here. 15 1%
Bargaining, ... if you mean with the Devil, I'm sure Microsoft might be interested. 19 1%
Depression, ... a new iPhone would perk you up! 32 3%
Acceptance, ... they're dead Jim. (and Mike too.) 210 21%
Hoping they get their act together, as the more companies in the tech game, the better, ... Canada doesn't need another Nortel either! 398 41%
I didn't even know they were alive! 248 25%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I accept that.
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