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Current JoyPoll results for 913 entries:

Is the tech world just as cynical and vitriolic as the political world?
Yes, and it is a shame, ... where is that Federation we were promised? 165 18%
It's way more cynical and vitriolic, ... and you thought trolls were ugly before the Internet! 133 14%
All's fair in business, ... I wish they stop doing their business all over each other. 29 3%
No, nothing is as bad as politics, ... our civics suffer from a lack of civility. 196 21%
H.264 is SUPER EVIL and Google is doing the best thing ever, and this is a frakin' fanboy comic!, ... pistols at dawn, you scruffy looking nerf herder! 92 10%
I don't know what H.264 is. All I know is I like stuff to work when I surf the Internet, ... I thought it was for formula for sulfuric acid. 157 17%
I'm so cynical, why bother voting? 141 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and vitreous humor.
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