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Current JoyPoll results for 881 entries:

Do you ever get scared of things after seeing them in movies or games?
Nope, I am impervious to that, ... I guess you just shut your eyes when you watch scary stuff. 205 23%
I have one word for you. JAWS, ... I guess it's still not safe to go back in the water. 107 12%
Alien really creeped me out, ... Ripley gave me other feelings. 88 9%
I'm still creeped out by those aliens in the old Mac game Marathon, ... that cheezy/creepy music was imprinted on me. 63 7%
I'm terrified by Pac Man ghosts!, ... CHICKEN. FIGHT LIKE A ROBOT. 52 5%
Psycho spoiled showers for me, ... I'd have to agree, showers are always more relaxing without a knife-wielding person with dissociative identity disorder bursting in on you. 49 5%
I just have a strange urge to destroy pig houses, ... can you blame those pigs? Deviled eggs are delicious! 137 15%
I am afraid of the voting monster! 180 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and golden eggs.
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