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Current JoyPoll results for 957 entries:

Do you ever get tired of trying to keep up with technology?
Yes I do, but I have to, as my job depends on it, ... I should have started a webcomic about bikinis. 100 10%
Yes I do, and I think I will stop, ... set a time on your electronic organizer. 37 3%
A little bit, but not enough to stop, ... repeat after me... I am a tech addict. 234 24%
Never, I love tech!, ... I'll send you a gadget junkie button. 278 29%
I gave up years ago, ... so how does our website look in WorldWideWeb? 135 14%
I never started, ... quick, someone get a sample of his Techno-anderthal DNA! 81 8%
If I click here, does it vote? 92 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the Luddite running out of fingers.
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