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Current JoyPoll results for 1188 entries:

Thing you do most?
Watch TV, ... you know, the TV people can see you when you scratch. 16 1%
Surf the web, ... when you're old, they will call you the Silver Surfer! 547 46%
Sleep, ... you and my cat... must be nice! 87 7%
Chill out away from tech, ... yes it is possible... rare, but possible. 16 1%
Work, ... if you like it, that's not so bad, if not... ugh. 189 15%
Wish I didn't have to work, ... but when you're away from it, it's all you think about. 234 19%
I JoyPoll the most. 99 8%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I thought it was a dog's life!
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