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Current JoyPoll results for 723 entries:

What would be your worst nightmare?
Having to read manuals, ... you mean you don't curl up in bed with them? 83 11%
Having to write manuals, ... so you don't like doing manual labour? 192 26%
Having to write the Missing Manual on Nightmares, ... just wait until you meet your editor! 53 7%
Being stranded on a desert island, without any David Pogue reading material, ... so you'd be missing the Missing Manual? 53 7%
A missing teddy bear, ... he's not missing, he probably just went to Vegas. 111 15%
Not having OS X, since I can't see those new David Pogue icons in their full glorious size, ... size doesn't usually matter, except in this case. 126 17%
Having to choose just one of the above was my nightmare. 105 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and not having a poll manual.
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