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Current QuickPoll results for 1133 entries:

What close encounter have you had recently?
Close Encounter of the 1st Kind, I've seen the light from an unidentified Expo, ... are you sure it wasn't a Quick-Mart? 346 30%
Close Encounter of the 2nd Kind, I was able to make out the size, shape, speed and distance of an unidentified Expo, ... obviously this was before the Expo parties. 95 8%
Close Encounter of the 3rd Kind, I had an actual sighting of an Expo life form, ... that alone has been known to drive some to madness! 104 9%
Close Encounter of the 4th Kind, I had physical contact with an Expo life form and/or entry on board an Expo shuttle bus, ... are you saying you are an Expo-ductee?!. 148 13%
Close Encounter of the 5th Kind, I experienced being transported in an Expo shuttle bus craft to the actual Expo of the Expo beings, ... I knew there had to be reason you are so, um,... Expo-special! 439 38%

(May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and missing time.)

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