We'd love you to fill out our survey, so we can make After Y2K even better! You don't have to answer all the questions, just the ones you want to. Information submitted is used solely for reference in an attempt to gain your absolute loyalty. You don't have to give out your email address or your name, so please be as honest and as straightforward as you can... we really appreciate it! -Nitrozac and Snaggy
About the comic...
How did you find out about After Y2K?
Search engines
Traditional Media: magazines, newspapers, TV.
Link from another website. (Please list below if you remember which one)
A friend told me.
other (please list)
Who is your favorite After Y2K character and why?
Who is your least favorite character and why?
Do you identify with a character? If so, who and why?
What is your favorite comic episode and why?
Which storylines did you enjoy most?
Martha Stewart vs the Geeks.
Bill Gates in the Bathroom.
Abacus World Expo.
Arthur C. Clarke's Real Millennenium Bug
The Go-Go Assimilation of Earth
other (please list below)
Would you like to see more Flash or Shockwave animations?
Do you do the QuickPoll?
Do you visit the After Y2K comment board?
Do you or have you ever gone to the After Y2K IRC chat?
What kind of AY2K merchandise would you like us to offer?
cool little programs
a CD-Rom
more t-shirts
prints of the comics/posters of the characters
other stuff (please list)
What would you suggest to improve After Y2K?
Any other comments? This is your chance!
Email address (optional)
A bit about you...
Your Age:
Marital Status
Please describe what you do for a living. If a student, please indicate area of study.
Approximate income level, in US dollars
What area of the world do you live in?
What is your internet access speed?
Modem, 33.1 or less
Modem, 56kb
high speed (ISDN, T1, DSL, or Cable)
other (please list)
Where do you normally surf the web from?
other (please list)
Do you consider yourself to be a geek?
If so, what are your geeky attributes?
Which term would you prefer to be called?
Who are your all time favorite geeks?
Other stuff you like...
What is your preferred Operating System?
Windows or NT
Mac OS
Linux (list your preferred distro below)
other (please list)
Which other websites do you visit regularily?
humor sites
random surf
other (please list site if you can)
Which magazines do you read?
Mac magazines
Linux Magazines
PC magazines
Fashion magazines
others (please list)
Which newspapers do you read?
Don't read the newspaper.
local ones.
national ones.
other (please list)
Which TV shows do you watch? (please list your favorite shows.)